Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Middle of Nowhere

We started at a beginning. We're not exactly sure where our particular beginning was, but it was definitely a beginning. There were questions, apprehensions, and the all too familiar sense that we needed to get somewhere. Where should we go?

Once we started walking, we didn't much care where we got to—so long as we got somewhere. We were sure to do that if we only walked long enough.

After more walking, we forgot that we were trying to get somewhere. We forgot where somewhere was. We forgot what it was or why anyone would want to get there. We just walked.

We had nowhere to be. Nowhere was where we were and nowhere was where we liked it. When you're nowhere, you don't have to try and get somewhere. When you're nowhere, you can be anywhere. When you're nowhere, you can be right here.

Nowhere is just the place to write a song. We had enough songs about passing through somewhere. We wanted songs about actually being there. Songs about that bear over there or that cabin high up there. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere with space to think about where we were. Not that place way down low at the base of the mountain where we started. Not that place way up high where the wind blows and clouds get in your way. Just here. Right here in the middle of the mountain—the middle of nowhere.

The End 


  1. Kids and I are so excited for this album!! We are now doing a homeschool geography study based on the Okee Dokee Brothers' river songs from the last album. We listen to the songs, then look at the map, then do a jig : ) We LOVE you guys!

  2. Is that a hint as to the name of the new album - The Middle of Nowhere?!?

  3. Looking forward to the product which will come from this journey. I retire on June 5th and will be playing your DVD for my work friends so they to can learn to enjoy life.

    Nathan, Henry, Cecilia (my grandchildren) all love the music of the Okee Dokee Brothers! Fantastic!!

  4. We wish you guys could come to our local library program- but we're glad to see your making another album! My little brother is a huge fan (he's memorized all of the 'Can You Canoe' CD) and will be ecstatic to hear your making a new album! Derby Kansas misses you!

  5. Our kids have loved you guys since they saw you at LICM in New York - come back to NY for a show soon please!!!! :)
